Saturday 20 August 2011

Steampunk Magic

Here's a picture i drew a while ago, I coloured on photoshop on my brothers laptop with his help cause i don't know how to use photoshop very well. i think it's possibly the best piece i've ever done but that's my view.

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Saturday 21 May 2011

Artists Block Sucks

So yeah i've had artists block lately so i've been finding it hard to draw anything good but i have managed to come up with i few good pictures.

 This is a result of me being completely obsessed with the anime Hetalia. One minute i'm thinking of England as a pirate and Pirates of the Caribbean and the next i'm drawing this. It was just a quick sketch really and i also need to work on my drawing skills on the computer but yeah... I thought it was a cool idea...
 This is cause in English we're making adverts to advertise Scotland to teenagers and my group is doing a poster. We're each drawing a different aspect of Scotland and i got the Scenery. I'm quite pleased with this seeing as i've never even attempted to draw cliffs before.
More practice on the computer. It's also my ID picture for Deviantart.  Um i don't really have much to say about this one so yeah...

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Something From the Far corners of my mind

Super Hero Versions of Myself and My friends. I'm planning to put comics up about their adventures.

Saturday 12 March 2011

Forgotten Arts: Music

A picture that took me absolutely ages and one that i'm very proud of so i thought it would be great as the very first picture on this blog. It's of 3 of my characters which are basically future versions of myself and two of my friends after.